D7 Google Reader is a simple, fast and powerful Google Reader client for Android. It helps to access your reading list with ease from a native android application.
Features v1.2.0
- Security of your Google account: no need to provide your username/password; an account can be chosen from the list of configured Google accounts.
- Support for multiple Google accounts
- Network traffic is compressed, hence uses less internet bandwidth.
- No database writes ensures the faster operation in lagging (Galaxy S) devices
- Ability to choose the startup screen between "Feeds" and "Reading list".
- Add subscriptions by a click in the browser
- Home screen widget with unread count
- Feeds;
- Choose between "Show all" and "Show updated" in preferences
- Display unread count
- Subscriptions;
- Choose between "Show all" and "Show new" in preferences
- Add subscription - directly form the browser by a click or type the URL
- Remove subscription
- Add label to subscription
- Remove label from subscription
- Remove/delete label
- Subscription feed items
- Read or mark as read
- Mark all as read
- Add or remove star
- Share or unshare
- Like or unlike
- View original (click-able link within the reading view)
Scan the QR code below to locate it in the market.