A new application "D7 Reader Pro", a paid (ad-free) version of the existing "D7 Google Reader" has been released.
A simple, fast and powerful Google Reader client for Android; You can now access your reading list and manage your subscriptions with ease from a native application, which is always in sync with Google Reader.
Main features
* Much faster than official Google Reader app
* No Lags (specially on Galaxy S devices)
* Google username/password is NOT required
* Multiple account support; switch between accounts with ease
* Utilizes low network traffic
* Add new subscription directly from your browser
* A dashboard with overview of your readings
- Personalized recommended items from Google Reader
* Clean and friendly subscriptions management
- Tree structure for labels and subscriptions
- Add new subscription
- Remove subscription
- Add/Remove labels to/from subscriptions
- Delete label from all subscriptions
* Articles list view with the ability to choose between show all or new items (configurable in preferences)
* Article view with support for social web
- Volume key navigation (set in preferences) or using on screen buttons
- Add/remove star
- Share via Facebook, Twitter, Email or SMS
- Share/unshare in Google Reader
- Like or unlike
- View original article in browser
- resized images for better user experience
* Home screen Widget with unread count display
- Refresh interval can be configured
- Does not update when the phone is in stand by (save battery power)
* And many more
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